Wednesday, January 14, 2009

new house

All things keeped "7788" edy.. Just come back from new house.
Polished floor. Damn nice! Still dunno how to style my new room ler..
Aiyohh.. b4 I wanna draw sumthing on the wall geh.. But din't seems that I can now.
All my books keep edi, tmr gonna shift all of them to new house.

I've check all my manga, anime, and megazine alot time edi.. Still keep checking.
Don wanna lose any of them. Or I'll be cry badly!
And dad say will start change a broadband-ed for our comp.
Owhh yeah! Later if change a new comp, den I can ply on9 games edi.. xDD

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

my name

A night on car, going home with dad. I ask him so question and I'm shock.

me : "hey dad, why you name me willwin? so weird ler."

dad : "got meh? I think is quite speacial."

me : " speacial?"

dad : " ya lar. u noe ah. b4 u was still inside ur mum's stummy, doctor say you wont be born
easilly. Cuz ur mom is kinda weak."

me : "hah??!"

dad say they spend alot money to born me out. xD He said b4 I almost die inside of my mum's body. so terrible. I oso dunno. And so my mum take alot of medicen and 打针. Spend alot of money until dad hampir bankrap. Cuz he said that he was a poor man b4. xD

And so in risk I'm born. Dad say is very so called "miracle". he say god sent me to them. = =
So he want me to be his firstly speacial daughter and so he name me willwin. And den bout my chinese name, 慧雯 is named by my grandma. Cuz actuli "willwin" dint have a chinese "to-read" word.

Huaa.. kinda shock lor.. I dint noe that I'm so... so.. un-usual? Haa, so as I said, I wont waste my life-time. I cant imagine If i really die that time. Thr will no me. [urr.. sob] Dunno ler.. err.. hah?
And so that's me. [ i also dint noe that I born with a drama-tic story XD]

Saturday, January 10, 2009

new hse!

Just came back from my new house..
Thing's gonna done soon.
still step on my room, thinking about the "style".
Dad say if he could, he wanna make extand spabe for me and my brother's room.
cuz the room is damn small! My god..
I scare I cant make my AC-corner as I wish before..

dad say V'll move in start next saturaday..
He ask us to pack up all our belongings..
And while I pack, Uhhh..
I dint noe that I have tat much belongings.. xD
manga and megazine stands 65%, left that all is my "privacy".
Kinda ecited, gonna move in new hse.
thanks for dad. He's the most hard-worked person in this case.

Domo arigatou, otosama.

Monday, January 5, 2009

first day of 2009 school life

haa~ I'm home jor.. so fast oh.. xD Today is the first day of my form3..
Last nite I bed on at 10.30pm, hee, but slp at abt 12.30am.. LOLss..
This morning wake up at 6am~ So scare I cant wake up..
Chhees.. My bro say I walk to bathroom like a blur ghost..
really so MONG CHA CHA~ haihh..

err, went to school.. kinda suprise when I saw ms. Brenda using a
black bag of billabong.. So shock.. cuz she alws as a ms.lady in my mind.. xP
And now she use so cool de bag.. Whaalao..
Seat at class still same.. fiona is sitting bside me, still same..
the two idiot nerd malay boys still sitting in front of me, still same..
Din't have any feel of new!! =[
Hehhee.. Just now keep going crazing talking abt japan with fiona.. xDD
why she are still very leng luii, still same.. [i dint feel any changes this year!!]

Puhh, thank god tat Ms. poh sim is not our class 'manager'.. [Harr-LEhh-Luu-yahh!]
Is Pn. wan zurriana? [izit?] She's ok for me.. gives a nice first feeling..
but she ald my Geografi teacher while form1..
Haa, then the most horrible teacher Pn.__th_!
Yerr,, feel like I saw a tiger, damn scare de lor!! She's teaching us ______ [privacy for safe]
but ______ tell me she's a good teacher, alot of ppl that fail history passed!
Kinda... hard to believe, I'll jia you lor.. this year PMR maah..
the ms poh sim is teaching us again!!!! Yerr!!
I bless alot jor mah! dowan her teach us!! Yerr!!! Im so angry !!

After school is supper damn hot!! Gila edi..
aunt came late.. x[ Haih..
faster faster go home have a cool bath~
After tat lunch lor.. Today's speacial, steamed veggiie!
[u guys wont noe wad is this, outside is unavailable]

Hee, then I take a walk with my doggie..
she's kinda hyper happy today..
maybe my doggie thinks '' Eihh! why she come back edi geh? so fast! worrff worrf!!" xDD
hee, is fun when kacau her while walking.. very fun..
Still need time to make myself good..
I think Im sick..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

posted today..

Hmmm... just finish my dinner.. SHUANG! I lurb d soup today.. nice! D kampung fish are ok too..
dunno why I just feel I dint dinner at home for long time edi... nande?? Haa, ysrday been to shopping.. but dint buy any New year ooutfits.. I bought a movie, Nana.. Is a very cool movie.. All songs inside are so cool.. Err.. nana komatsu is very kawaii.. but actuli Im finding a movie name koizora// I think is koizora.. Is very nice feeling.. But Ive fail to but.. b4 I saw one.. arhh! But I dint buy.. stupid desho?? haihh.. And "L,last 23 days" i dint buy too.. ><

LOls.. Fine.. Tmr is school open.. kinda nervous.. dunno why.. is hard for me to wake up early in the morning.. I scare my aunt will scold me badly if I slp late.. haa.. Gotta slp early.. most late is 11pm.. I have to acept my new life-time working. xD Summore today I saw a very meanful words on tv~!!

我最大的成功就是活得开心 =]

Hee, it's right~ I will life happily.. won't waste my life..

Saturday, January 3, 2009

happy new year [lated = =]

Huaa~~ blink a blink is 2009 edii.. x3 so fast lerr..
school will start 2 more days.. Pss, uniform not ready yet ler.. xP
This year will having PMR.. Im worrid if I cant draw my comic anymore.
but no matter what I happen, I will love drawing too, till the day I gonna die.. xD

Next year still in renatanda.. hee, if counted on japan,
Im a high school gurl edii lerr.. [高中生]
hee, feel so success! Cuz be4 alws kena buli of my cousin.. [but no chnages for now too]
heyy.. just noe that I haven't find/register at tuition yet..
dunnor ler.. b4 a wanna go dunia didik geh..
but shoyin ask me to tuition with her at samudra??
Puhh.. think I have to settle it when school starts..

haa, abt my comic "dream's"...
not done yet!!! T___T
haiyhhuu.. cuz these day my mom ask me to work at her shop..
And I alws come back late.. Din't have a mind to draw, wanna slp..
yurr! Dont care lar!
I will still finish this manga, although Im late of my dateline!!
ganbatte~!! YOsh!!!! ><